Succulent Pot

Here is how I made my cool pot.....
Pots with Pizzazz!

Pots with Pizzazz!

- 7 parts peat moss
- 7 parts perlite
- 3 parts vermiculite
- 7 parts Portland cement
- 9 part water
- Molds (inner and outer)
- WD-40
- Duct Tape
- Wire Brush
- Heavy file or rasp
- Cement Dye (optional)
Directions: Mix all the dry ingredients together ina wheel barrow. While mixing, add all the water until the mix has the consistency of pancake batter. Add cement dye if alternate color is desired.
Cut the inner mold's rim off and cover all bottom hoes in both molds with duct tape. Spray the inside of the big bowl and the outside of the small mold with WD-40. Press the mis into the mold, making sure to press the materials tightly together.
Allow to dry for 48 hours.
When dry, carefully remove finished pots from plastic containers. Drill drainage holes in bottom of the pot. File or wire brush the pot to a desired texture. Spray with a strong stream of water and install plants!